Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Jamie and the Bridge Troll

Wishing you all a Happy Holidays!


This is a Corey from Australia (Australians travel a lot!). He worked downtown at City Hostel Seattle until recently. First going to Buffalo then returning to Sydney for the holidays. I hope to see him again sometime in the future, in Australia preferably! Also a great cook and baker, he made many people happy! He'll be missed.


This is Jess. A wonderful lady, rock climber and aspiring librarian. Here she is rocking the candy striper outfit for See's Candies. They are oh so lucky!

Luke and tree

This is Luke, one of the other work traders at HotelHotel. He frequently works the graveyard shift (thank you Luke!), is Viking in nature and has a tremendous store of knowledge which makes for interesting conversations.

Note the tree in the background, graciously provided by the owners. I was recently informed that its best to put on the lights first so you can hide the wires in the branches! Who woulda thunk it!

Recent faces

Wintet sunflower

Thought this beautiful.


Made this snowman at a locl burger joint called Uneeda. Came back to find him on the register. Was so proud!


Flyer for a local show at The White Rabbit. Like the rabbits and a name called Hunter Destroyer.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Drawing Jam prize

Won this. Surprise!

Fremont Sunday Market

Ducks and swan

So happy

Bought new gloves and hat. Cold!

Vasily and ducks



Don't I look dapper


Russian who won Green Card Lottery. Going to work at Big Bear Lake Hostel in California.




Don't know what they are called

But thought they beautiful.

Gilman Burke trail

Run for quite a while. Lots of runners and cyclists.

Dinosaur bush

Along the Gilman Burke trail that runs along a beautiful river.

EMP entrance

Tribbles and the Captain's chair

Bald guys

Or The Terminator.

Original Xena costume.


With tv's for eyes.

Princess Leia

Or Julia, from Argentina.

Anubis helmet from Stargate

All of the following are from the EMP museum, a place for music and science fiction.

Nightline views

From the Lake Union Harbor. The lights are downtown Seattle.

From the window

View from the corner windoe.

In the second story. You can see the street sign in the lower corner.

The staircase down


The staircase goes to the first floor. Thats Brian at the desk. A Scottish Ecologist.

Hallway at HotelHotel

One of the two hallways here. There are approximately 22 rooms.

The courtyard

This is in the center of the builing where HotelHotel is. On the first floor are shops and restautants that use it when not so cold.