Sunday, February 22, 2015

General thoughts

So things are good. I'm moved in and trying to lay the foundations for what comes next which means that even though I have a few days off before I have to work, my days are still like work, but its what I do, so no complaints. I've been sick for about a week or so now. I'm trying to napalm it out of my system with DayQuil. Worked last time. The weather here is gorgeous. Port Townsend is in what's called the Rain Shadow, meaning we don't get as much of it, but you still have your grey days. But recently the sun has been out, blue skies. Truly gorgeous. Makes me wonder what it will be like during summer when they have all sorts of events going on. But for now, its still cold. Thankfully my room stays nice and toasty with the help of a space heater and plenty of blankets. Been working on some paintings, walked around quite a bit, played banjo and am generally getting my feet about me. All while trying to get not sick. Today's a Sunday though, so I'm dedicating as much time as I can to the bed and rest for today.

I have dedicated Wi-Fi, really for the first time ever, so hopefully I'll be able to post plenty of content in the times to come.

With love,

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