Monday, October 15, 2012

Night Shift

So I don't know where I left off. They moved me to line cook, where I cooked breakfast and lunch. Mostly french toast, pancakes, french fries and fish tacos. Good experience. Then about a week ago they asked me to move to night shift, so one of the other cooks could move to mornings. I said sure, though I knew I was completely out of my depth, and I've been right. They are trying to train me in three different stations, saute, grill and mid. Saute is quick flash cooking, pasta dishes over a flame. Grill is meats, lamb, steaks and pork mostly. Time consuming and requiring a deft touch with a knife. And mid cooks appetizers and directs traffic in regards to the tickets coming in and what needs to be done by whom. I spent three days, one on each station. Last night I was back on grill, right where I started. Its been overwhelming. I've been doing my best to input as much information as possible, but its been difficult at times. When it gets really busy, I have to get out of the way and just watch. I know the pieces will come together, but up to this point, its been frustrating. Will see how tonight goes.

Otherwise, things have been kind of up and down. Been applying for work, but haven't heard anything. The shuttles stopped running, so I haven't been able to get up to Ruby's for a swim. We did get to go to Cedar City the other day, and myself and another fellow went in on an inexpensive bike, so we could have some local transportation. I actually rode to Ruby's this morning which was great. Fifteen minutes, and mostly downhill there, about twenty back. It was strange to be back in the water aftere a time. Helped me realize how much I missed it. That I had begun to take it for granted. I hope to swim a bit less, so my body will have more time to recover, and to give it some variety.

The weather is beautiful during the day. Cold at night. People seem to be coming and going now. Employees that is. Hard to keep track. Not even trying really. Trying to adjust to night shift, as I get out around midnight now. Speaking of which, its time for me to get gussied up for my big evening.


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